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Morning course only.


Afternoon course only.




When we talk about mixed media, we really mean it. With Arts-Cetera, you’ll get a different art class each day—drawing, painting, collage, sculpture and a surprise. You’ll never know what talents you have until you’ve explored all the possibilities.


Sample activities: Sculpture, watercolor painting, drawing, and collage.



Build the World


Our big planet is full of structures, from bridges to buildings to pools. We'll design prototypes and explore the basics of engineering the bigger thing. Let’s try to figure out just how that build stays standing and why a boxy car works harder than a round one.


Sample activities: Build numerous prototypes of different structures with a variety of materials, design an aerodynamic car, and see who can construct the sturdiest house.



Digital Photography


A long time ago before cell phones, they had these devices called “cameras” which were a lot like cell phones except they were only good for taking pictures. So we’re going back in time and teaching you something we like to call “photography” which is like taking pictures but a lot more interesting (we hope). Use a digital photography program to create strange and fantastic special effects. Limited enrollment. Cameras provided.


Sample activities: How to take good pictures, artistic photo projects, and using photo-editing software.



Draft Designs


Maybe you’ve rearranged your room a few times or thought your things might function better if set up differently. Love decorating or thinking of new ways to design your room or house? Like building or making things? In this class, we’ll explore the world of design both visual and structural!


Sample activities: Draw a floor plan, create an artist rendering of your design, build scale models.



Food Chemistry ​


What if you woke up tomorrow and all the fast food places were gone and you had to (shudder) cook for yourself? Could you do it or would you slowly starve? Let’s not take any chances. Sign up for this course and you’ll learn to make something good from the basic food groups including the important cookies and ice cream group. In fact, you’ll never go hungry again…OK, you probably will. Let’s eat!


Sample activities: Make your own special blend of soup, ice cream, cookies, and more!





Even the smartest crook leaves behind clues to his or her identity, and forensic experts know how to find them. Just because you're only in elementary school doesn't mean that you can't learn some of the techniques of seasoned investigators. Fingerprints, blood, and hair and fiber analysis are all parts of any forensic kit. Let's solve a camp mystery.


Sample activities: Learn fingerprinting, footprint recovery, and observation skill games, and how to use facial recognition software.



Jr. 8 Hr. Film Challenge


The clock is running and you’ve got till the end of camp to cast, film, edit and market a film in time to show your piece to all of camp on Thursday Night! This fast-paced, exciting course is modeled after the "48 Hour Film Festival" and the Jr. version of our 16-Hour Film Challenge. When it gets down to the wire, see if you have what it takes to finish the film. $15 class fee. 


Sample activities: Be part of a production team to direct, star, and edit a class film project.



Reactive Creations


Call us crazy but we believe that even kids as young as 7 or 8 should have unrestricted access to a whole variety of volatile chemicals. Well apparently, it doesn’t matter what we think because certain people (let’s call him “the Dean”) says we can’t do it. So, I guess we’ll play it safe and restrict ourselves to chemicals that DON’T go BOOM when you mix them together.


Sample activities: Paper Marbling, Fireworks in a Bottle, Milk Art









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5900 Summit Ave #201

Browns Summit, NC 27214

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